Research/Project Administration (OSR, RMG)
Several offices on campus support the administration of your research and project proposals and awards. See the full list of offices to determine which one best fits your work.
- You may want to first check with your particular school's group (i.e., School of Humanities & Sciences Research Administration, Earth Sciences Administration, Engineering Research Administration).
- If you are unsure of which office fits your proposal, please let us know and we can guide you to the appropriate office and contact.
The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) provides pre-award and post-award administrative services for sponsored projects. They collaborate with partner groups in other central and school offices to coordinate research administration services, systems, and processes. OSR provides the following functions:
- reviews and endorses sponsored projects proposals
- negotiates and accepts awards
- issues subawards on behalf of Stanford
- establishes accounts in the financial system
- fulfills sponsor's financial reporting requirements.
The OSR timeline requires you to submit your complete, final application at least five days in advance of the funder's deadline. OSR may request revisions; please allow time to respond to their inquiries and make revisions. At a minimum, you will need to submit the following to OSR:
- signed PDRF (proposal development & routing form)
- narrative proposal (a.k.a. statement of work)
- budget
Prior to submission to OSR, you may also need to have your application reviewed by your department, school, or the Dean of Research office, depending on your reporting structure. Please contact us if you have questions.
The School of Medicine's The Research Management Group (RMG) serves as the central office for research administration, providing support, and oversight of sponsored projects. RMG ensures compliance with federal regulations, sponsor requirements, and university policies.
A list of contact information for RMG staff is available here.
A copy of the final proposal with an approved Proposal Development and Routing Form (PDRF) must be submitted to your institutional representative at least five days in advance of the funder's deadline. RMG requests at least 30 days of lead time for proposals along with budgetary information.