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Industrial Affiliate Programs

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Industrial affiliate programs are designed to facilitate the transfer of knowledge to society and the dialogue between academia and industry. Supported by corporate membership fees, these programs provide an avenue for industry to contribute to and sustain research and teaching in Stanford departments and programs of interest. Companies receive facilitated access to research programs and to participating faculty and students. Corporate members typically attend annual meetings, receive copies of reports and publications, and have opportunities to recruit students. Any interested company may join an affiliate program.

For more details about affiliate program guidelines, managing programs, and helpful information for companies interested in joining an affiliate program, visit the Industrial Affiliate Program website.

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Advanced Financial Technologies Laboratory (AFTLab) Affiliates Program

ContactKay Giesecke

The Stanford Advanced Financial Technologies Laboratory accelerates research, education and thought leadership at the intersection of finance and technology. Member companies in the AFTLab Affiliates Program share an interest in the research and educational activities of the Lab. The Affiliates Program is designed to foster a productive relationship between academia and industry.

Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging (AIMI) Industry Affiliates Program

Contact: Johanna Kim

The Stanford Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging (AIMI Center) is dedicated to advancing innovative AI applications and cutting-edge computational and biomedical research to enhance health and medicine while fostering a dynamic community committed to responsible advancement in AI for health for everyone, everywhere.

Agile Hardware Affiliates Program

Contact: Mark Horowitz

AHA develops technologies that enable designers to easily create and add powerful feature-rich applications, computing, and communications to any intelligent device or system. This vision requires custom application-specific accelerators and agile system and hardware development tools.

AI for Health

Contact: Joseph Huang

AI for Health encourages a high level of engagement from Corporate Members. Corporate Members provide insight on real-world use cases, valuable financial support for research, and a path to large-scale impact.

AI for Structure-Based Drug Discovery

Contact: Joseph Huang

The mission of the Artificial Intelligence for Structure-Based Drug Discovery program is to enable the design of safe, effective medicines by developing computational methods that leverage machine learning and three-dimensional molecular structure. The program will provide a forum for pharmaceutical industry scientists to guide Stanford research toward the most critical real-world problems and for Stanford researchers to guide deployment of cutting-edge algorithms and software in industry.

APARC Global Affiliates Program

Contact: Denise Masumoto

Corporate affiliates enter into continuing relationships with Shorenstein APARC and benefit from enhanced access to the Center's research on contemporary Asia. Through the visiting fellows component of the program, affiliates may send personnel to live, study and conduct relevant research on the Stanford University campus.

Big Local News Data-Plus

Contact: Cheryl Phillips

Big Local News is a program of Stanford University’s Journalism and Democracy Initiative and collects local data to discover the regional or national patterns that will yield stories with impact. We go after data sets that are hard to obtain because they’re kept in disparate, scattered locations by multiple jurisdictions. Big Local News also works with newsrooms to process, analyze and archive the data they collect.

John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center's Affiliate Program

Contact: Racquel Hagen

The Blume Center, part of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has a strong commitment to serve the profession and the community in reducing earthquake risk. Through its activities, the Blume Center contributes to the understanding of earthquakes and their effects on structures.

Corporate Innovation & Leadership Affiliate Program

Contact: Mo Lei Fong

The Corporate Innovation & Leadership Affiliate Program supports collaboration between STVP, the Stanford Engineering Entrepreneurship Center and industry members around shared interests in entrepreneurship education and research. The program will engage members in ongoing discussions about STVP’s ground-breaking research on technology ventures and innovation, and on teaching and learning approaches that develop corporate leaders and intrapreneurs as global citizens.

Corporate Program for Women’s Leadership

Contact: Sandra Brenner

The Affiliate Program of the VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab brings together leaders who are advancing women’s leadership in their organizations and provides leading edge research together with insights into how to address real-world challenges and opportunities. The program offers a highly participative and interactive learning community of engaged partners working together to move the needle forward on women’s leadership.

Center for AI Safety

Contact: Joseph Huang

The mission of the Stanford Center for AI Safety is to develop rigorous techniques for building safe and trustworthy AI systems and establishing confidence in their behavior and robustness, thereby facilitating their successful adoption in society.

Center for Automated Reasoning (Centaur)

Contact: Joseph Huang

The mission of the Center for Automated Reasoning (Centaur) is to accelerate the state of the art in automated reasoning research by creating new theory and algorithms, building world-class tools, and creating automated reasoning-based solutions to real-world problems.

Center for Design Research (CDR)

Contact: Gosia Wojciechowska

CDR’s mission is to support engineering design. Field studies of professional product development teams and laboratory studies of advanced graduate student teams lead to innovations in design process management and supporting collaboration technology. New design and prototyping tools are applied to problems in bio-inspired robotics, human-computer interaction and dynamic vehicle systems.

Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE)

Contact: Tiffany Branum

The mission of CIFE is to be the world's premier academic research center for Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) for capital facility projects. VDC is the use of multi-disciplinary performance models of design-construction projects, including the Product (i.e., facilities), Work Processes, and Organization of the design-construction-operation team to support business objectives.

Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC)

Contact: Kate Ter Wee

The CISAC Affiliates Program provides opportunities for industry and national laboratory leaders to participate in substantive discussions on international security and U.S. defense policies. Affiliate members attend Center events, receive Center publications, and may receive briefings from Center scholars and visitors.

Center for Magnetic Nanotechnology (CMN) (formerly CRISM)

Contact: Nuvia Pacheco

The mission of the Center is to stimulate research at Stanford in the area of magnetic nanotechnology, magnetic sensing, and information storage materials. The center also operates the Nanomagnetics Facility and the Magnetics Forum (annual reviews, workshops, short courses, and conferences on magnetics-based technologies including nanotechnology and information storage).

Center on Longevity Corporate Affiliates Program

Contact: Martha Deevy

The mission of the Stanford Center on Longevity is to redesign long life. The Center studies the nature and development of the human life span, looking for innovative ways to use science and technology to solve the problems of people over 50 by improving the well-being of people of all ages.

Computer Forum

Contact: Jason Lin

The Stanford Computer Forum provides a mechanism for developing interaction with industrial researchers and their academic counterparts, promoting the exchange of the most advanced technological ideas in fields of computer science and electrical engineering.The Forum also offers industry the opportunity to become familiar with the professional abilities and interests of Stanford students through its active recruiting program.

CodeX Affiliate Program

Contact: Roland Vogl

CodeX works to advance the state-of-art in technology that is used to improve legal and governance systems and industries that operate in them. Via the CodeX Affiliate Program, organizations operating at the intersection of law, governance, and technology work with us to advance the frontier of legal technology, increasing the efficiency and transparency of, and access to, legal systems around the world.

CS Bridge Affiliate Program

Contact: Chris Piech

CS Bridge partners with universities in host countries around the world, to teach high school students how to program. As part of a larger movement dedicated to effective, in-person computer science education worldwide, Stanford researchers also study how participation in CS Bridge improves student confidence with computer science, boosts interest in STEM-related fields, and transforms learning mindset–for both high school students and their undergraduate teaching assistants.

Department of Biomedical Data Science

Contact: Karen Matthys and Bisera More  

The Department of Biomedical Data Science’s new External Engagement Program supports connections between outside organizations and our faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. We welcome companies, nonprofits, and government entities to join our growing eco-system focused on collaboration to advance precision health by leveraging complex real-world data through development of novel analytical methodologies. Members will have opportunities to engage in talent recruitment, flagship projects, diversity initiatives and more.

Differentiated Access Memories

Contact: Philip Levis and Caroline Trippel

MemoryDAX is the industrial affiliates program that supports the DAM research project. Corporate affiliates are a vital and integral part of project. Not only do membership fees provide essential funding for the center’s activities, but members also engage with project members to explain real world and practical challenges, collaborating with the researchers on solutions.

Digital Economy Lab Corporate Affiliates Program

Contact: Christie Ko

The Stanford Digital Economy Lab is an interdisciplinary research group studying how digital technologies are transforming work, organizations, and the economy towards a world of shared prosperity.

Energy Modeling Forum (EMF)

Contacts: John Weyant

EMF seeks to improve the use and usefulness of energy and environmental analysis to the public and private sectors by organizing comparative tests of available models and complementary analyses. Current studies focus on high electrification in low greenhouse gas transition scenarios in North America.

Stanford Wearable Electronics Initiative (eWEAR)

ContactAngela McIntyre

Corporate members are an integral part of e-WEAR. Frequent communications between companies, venture capitalists, faculty, and graduate students provide valuable insights on potential opportunities, problems and solutions. e-WEAR works closely with diverse industries from various sectors, such as technology, manufacturing, defense, agriculture, communications, social networks, and health care.

Future of Digital Currency Initiative

Contact: Paul Toback

The Future of Digital Currency Initiative explores the emerging role of Central Bank Digital Currencies and other digital currencies in advancing global financial inclusion.

Global Projects Center Disruptive Technology and Digital Cities

Contact: Tiffany Branum

The Global Projects Center is an interdisciplinary research center that seeks to facilitate understanding of the financing, development, and governance of critical infrastructure worldwide.  The program conducts interdisciplinary research, facilitate engagement among academic and industry leaders, and educate future leaders within the infrastructure finance and development space.

Human-Center Artificial Intelligence Corporate Affiliate Program

Contact: Marc Gough

As a multidisciplinary institute focused on responsibly guiding the future of artificial intelligence, Stanford HAI deeply values engagement with companies interested in AI research, policy and practice. The HAI Corporate Affiliate Program provides the opportunity for these companies to interact with Stanford faculty and students, as well as other corporate members, coordinated by HAI’s dedicated corporate membership team.

Hydrogen Initiative

Contact: Naomi Boness

The Stanford Hydrogen Initiative is a collaboration of researchers at Stanford University in engineering, science, policy, and business, working with industry, thought leaders and governments to enable the use of hydrogen to achieve deep decarbonization of the world's energy systems. In addition to our research portfolio, we are building a community with workshops and symposia, and through an educational agenda.

ICME Education Affiliate Program

Contact: Salma Kirsch

The ICME Education Affiliate Program aims to create long-term relationships with members to engage in dialog and thought leadership around areas such as algorithms and optimization, machine learning, data science, computational finance, geoscience, computational medicine and imaging.

Industry Affiliate Program for Teaching Design Thinking

Contact: Kristin Burns

In this program, student teams and/or individuals are involved in the synthesis of design solutions to problems that are supplied by industry. An important part of the affiliate's role is to ensure that faculty and students are aware of industrial conditions and needs, keeping them current on present development and future plans via a constant exchange of theory and methodology.

Law, Science and Technology (LST) Affiliates Program

Contact: Roland Vogl

Affiliates of the Program in Law, Science & Technology (LST) contribute through sponsorship and program input and support cutting-edge research, teaching, and program development across the centers currently housed within the program.

Mineral Xi

Contact: Daniela Dimitrova

Mineral-Xi is a membership-based industrial affiliates program. The purpose of the program is to foster research, innovation and acceleration to a renewable energy future. Our program focuses on technological innovation needed to create a resilient mineral supply chain to achieve clean renewable energy. Our program will also develop new pathways in the Mineral-Energy nexus, such as geothermal energy and renewable energy resources that enable a decarbonized mineral supply chain.

National Performance of Dams Program (NPDP)

Contact: Martin W. McCann Jr.

The NPDP is a cooperative effort of engineers and dam safety professionals in the U.S. to create an information resource on dams and their performance. The objectives of the NPDP are to retrieve, archive, and disseminate information on the performance of dams.

Nonvolatile Memory Technology Research Initiative (NMTRI)

Contact: Mei Xu

This initiative for nonvolatile memory research aims at dealing with challenges of increasing needs for embedded memory with high density and low cost with power minimization. NMTRI does this by looking into technical feasibility at the device level, circuit/system level as well as develop a fundamental understanding for a variety of new nonvolatile memory phenomena, materials and processes.

Precision Mental Health & Wellness Affiliates Program

ContactHosna Omarzad

The mission of the Stanford Center for Precision Mental Health and Wellness (PMHW) is to reimagine mental health. The Center studies the connection between the human brain and mental health to forge a new roadmap for personalized medicine in mental health.

Presence Center Affiliates Program

Contact: Sonoo Thadaney

To provide an efficient way for corporations, non-profits and other entities to support and engage in the work and mission of the Stanford Presence Center. In addition to facilitated access to Presence faculty, students, and events, organizations can collaborate around the three strategic focus areas: improving the patient-physician relationship; leveraging technology for the human experience of medicine (specifically considering equity and inclusion); and reducing medical error.

The Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance Affiliate Program (Rock Center)

Contact: Chrisanthe Steininger

Advancing the global scholarship, practice and understanding of corporate governance, the Rock Center is a joint initiative between Stanford Law School and Stanford Graduate School of Business. In this cross-disciplinary environment, the Center provides research, education and events for leading academics, business leaders, policy makers, practitioners and regulators that support and promote sound corporate governance worldwide.

SEAMS: Self-improving, Efficient and Accelerated Models and System

Contact: Marc Gough

Our fundamental thesis is that we can obtain many orders of magnitude of improvement by developing self-improving systems, that is, using AI to optimize AI. An AI system consists of three layers: the systems layer (including both hardware and software), the modeling layer (e.g., the model architecture, training procedure), and the data layer (e.g., how to supervise the system). Currently, all three layers require human experts to manually make decisions (e.g., designing custom kernels, manual hyperparameter tuning, manual weighting of data). However, as AlphaGo and AlphaFold have clearly demonstrated, if we have a clear objective function, automation can optimize it far better than a human can. This enables the human expert to focus on higher-level, strategic planning. Finally, automatic optimization requires simulation, which can be expensive. We will develop a cascade of efficient (possibly approximate) simulators of all three levels of the stack to enable efficient optimization.

Smart Fields Consortium (SFC)

Contact: Samantha Mickens

Computational optimization, history matching (data assimilation), uncertainty quantification, and data interpretation are important technologies for designing and managing subsurface flow operations. The Stanford Smart Fields Consortium is a multidisciplinary program that performs state-of-the-art research in these important areas.

Stanford AI Lab

Contact: Joseph Huang

AI is an integral part of many exciting business and consumer tools such as speech recognition, semantic search, recommendation systems, machine translation, and 3D sensing in consumer gaming. The AI Lab Affiliates Program brings all of these efforts together and provides a structure for industry to engage effectively. The affiliates program represents a new era of close engagement with a small number of major companies. It supports corporate interaction through organized retreats, an Advisory Board, and informal interactions. The goal is bidirectional transfer of knowledge and excitement.

Stanford Center at the Incheon Global Campus (SCIGS)

Contact: Leigh Wang

The SCIGC (US) Industrial Affiliates Program allows affiliates to receive special privileges and be recognized as US-based participants and supporters of the Stanford Center at the Incheon Global Campus.

Our program is an attractive way for corporations to support the center's mission while gaining knowledge about ongoing research. As a member, corporations will have access to a variety of SCIGC events, engagement opportunities, and discussions.

Stanford Center for Carbon Storage (SCCS) (formerly SUPRI-C)

Contact: Heidi Chau

The Stanford Center for Carbon Storage (SCCS) uses a multidisciplinary approach to conduct fundamental and applied research to address critical questions related to CO2 storage in geologic formations.  The center also conducts technoeconomic and policy/regulatory assessment of CCS projects.  Our new “Capture Arm” brings together faculty at Stanford involved in new and novel techniques for carbon capture at scale.

Stanford Center for Digital Health Affiliate Program (SCDH) 

Contact: Michael Avanti Lopez

The Stanford Center for Digital Health Affiliate Program provides a structure for companies to collaborate with our faculty to advance digital health innovations. Our program is designed to foster partnerships between industry and academia, promoting the development of cutting-edge technologies that have the potential to transform healthcare. The program provides unrestricted support for CDH’s research, teaching, and administrative activities.

Stanford Center for Image Systems Engineering (SCIEN)

Contact: Joyce Farrell

SCIEN involves faculty from five departments at Stanford University working on the mathematical, computational, and experimental aspects of imaging systems. The program addresses all stages of the digital image pipeline - including methods of acquiring, processing, analyzing, communicating, rendering, and displaying visual information.

Stanford Center for Induced and Triggered Seismicity (SCITS)

Contact: Tina Jeon

The mission of the Stanford Center for Induced and Triggered Seismicity is to conduct fundamental research on the physical processes responsible for induced and triggered seismicity, to carry out intensive case studies and to develop a scientifically based framework for seismic risk assessment.

Stanford Center for Position Navigation and Time (SCPNT)

Contact: Sherman Lo

Research at the SCPNT is aimed at vastly extending and expanding the benefits of GPS in society. Researchers are exploring several techniques for supplementing the system’s reach, accuracy, and resistance to radio frequency interference to make possible diverse new applications.

Stanford Center for Earth Resources Forecasting (SCERF)

Contact: Emily Gwynn

The research focus of the SCERF is the general problem of reservoir characterization and performance, including forecasting, interpreting reservoir geology and geophysics, geostatistics, reservoir engineering, and simulation.

Stanford Center for Sustainable Development and Global Competitiveness

Contact: Leigh Wang

The Center for Sustainable Development and Global Competitiveness at Stanford engages in research and educational programs that integrate business development strategies with leadership practices that will ensure enterprise growth and success within a healthy and sustainable natural environment.

Stanford Compression Forum

Contact: Suzanne Sims

The Stanford Compression Forum (SCF) is a partnership between academic and industrial leaders in the fields of Data Compression. The Forum’s mission is to facilitate research and collaborations, to expedite the transfer of academic research into technology, to supply academia with timely research problems, and to support learning and training in the field of compression.

Stanford Data Science Initiative (SDSI)

Contact: Elizabeth Wilsey

SDSI works closely with diverse industries including information technology, communications, social networks, finance, insurance, health care, semiconductors, retail, manufacturing, utilities, oil and gas, and transportation.  Corporate membership fees provide unrestricted support for SDSI research and other activities where the emphasis is on two-way communication between researchers and companies.

Stanford Design Program

Contact: Justin Ferrell

The Stanford Design Program gives us more ways to build sustainable, impactful relationships with companies interested in or already participating in the global design movement. Membership in our Affiliates Program enables organizations to connect with a worldwide community of innovators from industry and academia, and offers engagement with Silicon Valley’s unique ways of working. A variety of gatherings create opportunities to learn, network and exchange ideas, and your membership connects you with one of the world’s most highly‐regarded design schools.

Stanford Earth Sciences Algorithms and Architectures Initiative (SESAAI)

Contact: Tina Jeon

SESAAI is an industry-funded academic consortium whose purpose is to leverage the continuous progress in computational sciences to improve the technology for modeling, imaging, and monitoring subsurface processes that are relevant to the energy transition.

Stanford Earth Imaging Project (SEP)

Contact: Tina Jeon

The Stanford Earth Imaging Project's purpose is to improve the theory and practice of constructing 3-D and 4-D images of the earth from seismic echo soundings. Today our focus is on 3-D seismic applications such as velocity estimation, wavefield-continuation prestack migration, multidimensional image estimation, and 4-D (time-lapse) reservoir monitoring.

Stanford Healthcare Innovation Lab

Contact: Benjamin Rolnik

The Stanford Healthcare Innovation Lab brings together the world’s leading researchers to incubate cutting edge science that has real world translational applications. This membership program will allow us to accelerate our work in Healthcare Big Data & Precision Medicine while providing exclusive insights and opportunities to our members around advancing the future of healthcare.

Stanford Long Term Investing Initiative

Contact: Leigh Wang

Stanford Research Initiative on Long-Term Investing ("SLTI") studies pensions, sovereign funds, endowments, foundations and family offices to help them better achieve their objectives, while also unlocking much-needed resources for society's critical projects.

The SLTI is housed within the School of Engineering, in collaboration with the SDGC, the Engineering Informatics Group, the Stanford Center at the Incheon Global Campus, and the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering.

Stanford Medical Mixed Reality

Contact: Christoph Leuze

At the Stanford Medical Mixed Reality Center we bring together researchers, clinicians and global industry leaders to transform healthcare through augmented and virtual reality. In collaboration with Stanford’s interdisciplinary partners we will lead the impact of mixed reality on medical education, surgical navigation, treatment guidance and patient well-being

Stanford Natural Gas Initiative (NGI)

Contact: Naomi Boness

The Stanford Natural Gas Initiative examines the dynamic, multifaceted questions raised by the tremendous growth in natural gas production by focusing the efforts of Stanford’s faculty, researchers, and students in six key areas: Resource Development, Environmental Impacts and  Climate Change, Uses of Natural Gas, Global Markets and Finance, Policy and Regulatory Reform, and Geopolitical Impacts.

Stanford Neurodiversity Project – Corporate Membership Program (SNP-CMP)

Contact: Lawrence Fung, MD, PhD

The Stanford Neurodiversity Project – Corporate Membership Program (SNP-CMP) strives to  provide a mechanism for faculty in the Stanford Neurodiversity Project and other companies to explore broad research topics related to neurodiversity. Research goals center around developing neurodiversity best practices in education and employment settings.

Stanford Pediatric Radiology Innovation and Translation Center

Contact: Maria Arellano-Chan

The Stanford Pediatric Radiology Innovation and Translation Center is the hub for committed scientists and clinicians to effect this transformation and thus dramatically improve child health. The Center brings together faculty from across the campus to catalyze multi-disciplinary projects. Further, the Center houses unique pediatric imaging resources, the first of which is a first-of-its-kind dedicated pediatric magnetic resonance scanner.

Stanford Photonics Research Center (SPRC)

Contacts: Armand Niederberger

SPRC's goal is to support photonics for the mutual, sustained benefit of both Stanford's teaching and research and SPRC's corporate members. SPRC aims to connect members to the fullest possible range of photonics activities across multiple departments at Stanford such as electrical engineering, applied physics, materials science and engineering, chemistry, and mechanical engineering.

Stanford Sustainable Finance Initiative (SFI)

Contact: Alicia Seiger

The Sustainable Finance Initiative works with public, private and development institutions to engage Stanford researchers in developing the finance and policy tools needed for the transition toward a decarbonized and climate-resilient global economy.

Stanford SystemX Alliance

Contact: Karin Sligar

Previously known as the Center for Integrated Systems (CIS), SystemX emphasizes application-driven, system-oriented research. Its areas of interest include hardware and software at all levels of the system stack from materials and devices to systems and applications in electronics, networks, energy, mobility, bio-interfaces, sensors, and other real-world domains. SystemX Focus Areas, Ph.D. fellowships, and knowledge exchange programs draw on the unique strengths of the university and industry to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of both.

Statistics Industrial Affiliate Program

Contact: Joanna Yu

The Statistics Department Industrial Affiliate Program was established to develop a practical relationship between the Department and University and the industrial community. Statisticians require data! More importantly, we need to be in touch with the real world, to make sure we are working on relevant problems.

StorageX Initiative

Contact: Jimmy Chen

The StorageX Initiative brings together Stanford faculty from materials science to computer science to economics to tackle the dominant challenges in energy storage. By addressing gaps between academic and industrial R&D, StorageX aims to accelerate the global development and implementation of revolutionary energy storage technologies and concepts.

Sustainable Mobility Center

Contact: Jimmy Chen

The Sustainable Mobility Center links industry leaders, academic experts, and government bodies to drive the evolution of transportation systems. The center focuses on increasing energy efficiency and promoting equity, and accessibility in mobility solutions, boosting economic development, and enhancing the livability and sustainability of communities.

SUNCAT (SUstainable eNergy through CATalysis) Center for Interface Science and Catalysis

Contact: Harveen Ernest

SUNCAT (SUstainable eNergy through CATalysis) Center for Interface Science and Catalysis is a partnersip between SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and the Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University. The Center explores challenges associated with the atomic-scale design of catalysts for chemical transformations of interest for energy conversion and storage.

SUETRI-A (Stanford University Energy Transition Research Institute): Subsurface Engineering for the Energy Transition

Contact: Emily Gwynn

The research of SUETRI-A is a university-industry consortium focused on education and cross-cutting research to enable the energy transition.

SUETRI-B (Stanford University Energy Transition Institute): Reservoir Simulation Affiliates

Contact: Celene Machen

The Stanford University Energy Transition Research Institute B (SUETRI-B) Reservoir Simulation program is dedicated to research and development of advanced numerical techniques that enhance the value of reservoir simulation technology.

SUETRI-D: Research Consortium on Innovation in Energy Systems Monitoring and Testing 

Contact: Lyrissa Roman

The SUETRI-D research group investigates and supports  novel approaches to the monitoring and test interpretation of subsurface reservoir tests. Backed by a wealth of information thanks to modern computerization and Big Data, well test analysis and design has greatly increased the reliability of test results for far less cost.

Thermal & Fluid Sciences (TFSA)

Contact: Catrin Hunter

The Thermal & Fluid Sciences Affiliates Program is the industrial liaison program of the Thermosciences Group and Flow Physics and Computation Group of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Stanford. The program is administered at the faculty level and emphasizes person-to-person communications between the Stanford faculty and the industrial representatives.

US-Asia Technology Management Center

ContactKimberley Williams 

The US-Asia Technology Management Center (US-ATMC) conducts research, develops educational content, and delivers outreach programs about patterns of technology management and innovation across different Asian economies, with the U.S. as a point of reference. By examining problems at the intersection of business systems, technology trends, and distinct socio-cultural patterns, our program aims to deepen the understanding of the dynamics that drive forward technology-intensive industries in an era of global operation and competition.